Sunday, January 8, 2012

Croxton Special School ceramic project

The chookhouse that the students decorated with ceramic shells and their bird-houses. The Croxton Special School Garden Project The Croxton Special School received a grant from the CASS Foundation to enable their two senior classes to attend Northcote Pottery to have ceramic lessons. After the success of this project, Croxton School applied for a second grant to enable these classes to continue ceramics back at their school with the assistance of the same artist/teacher, Debbie Qadri. Debbie worked with the students and their art teacher, Emma in their scheduled art classes,to improve their skills and to make a ceramic project for their school. The students made things to incorporate into the school's garden. The garden has an important place in the school and all of the students in the school spend time caring for it and appreciating it. As part of the garden project, the students made totem pole pieces, bird houses, animals for mosaic panels and shells hangings. At the end of the project, on a special day in December all of the ceramic pieces were installed in the garden. The students spent time hanging up their birdhouses, threading shells together and arranging them on the chookhouse, looking at the totem poles and mosaic panels which featured their work. The senior students provided tours of the garden to other classes, and to our special visitors from the CASS Foundation.
above: a mosaic of fish
shells have been threaded onto fishing line and were strung around the chook-house.
the owl totem pole. Sections of the totem pole were made by the students.
the ceramic creatures in the mosaic were made by the students. 'Pets' was theme that we explored.

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