here is the first sequence of photos and instructions for how to make a giant baby blue bunny mailbox.
you will need
a metal chair skeleton
10 metres of wire netting
8 bags of mortar mix
1 bag of cement
ceramic features ( unglazed on the back, but glazed on the front)
star pickets
metal whiskers
crushed rock / screenings
buckets gloves etc.
a pot of tea
an empty piece of land
Then you begin mixing up the concrete: 5 cans of mortar mix, 1 of cement, 2 or 3 of screenings. And begin rubbing it through the wire. This is my third concrete sculpture project, but I am still working it out. You have to play with putting supports inside your sculpture so that its not entirely full of cement ( because then you might need 16 bags of mortar mix) but also you need some of the concrete to be able to grab onto your support structure. I spent a fair while fiddling with these problems. I ended up finding a foam box and breaking it into small pieces and shoving it through the wire to fill large areas so that the concrete didn't just fall down to the bottom.
Here I amillustrating the construction apparel. A shirt is good to wear because it closes tight around your wrist and allows the glove to cover it. The skirt is a bit silly. Don't wear a skirt. Gumboots are great because you don't have to worry if you get cement on them.
as you can see it has to be well constructed with bits of metal and star pickets driven deep into the ground. I have made some spaces for the mail to go using plumbing pipe and garden pots. Also I have wrapped up a huge ball of leftover plastic and put it in the centre underneath to stop that being an empty hole where concrete gathers. I have also put bricks around the base to make the sculpture heavier at the bottom and to act again as a filler.
How many pairs of gumboots does Madam have in her possession? I have to say that I much rather prefer the other pair you were wearing when I saw you at Stage III of the Giant Baby Blue Bunny Mailbox construction site. On that occasion Madam was nearing completion of the project. Upon arrival I saw her seated on a Brunwick Green plastic chair with recycled 4 Litre ice-cream container filled with ceramic glue sitting very close to the Bunny. So close I mistook the scene for woman in gumboots embracing said Bunny!